
More information

Information on truthfulness, completeness and retention of data

By submitting this application and the necessary documents, the applicant declares to have furnished all particulars truthfully and completely. Recognition/crediting of previous experience can only be processed if all necessary documents have been provided. Enrolment is not necessary. The documents are reviewed and an offer for the recognition/crediting of previous experience is made. Once the applicant has enrolled, this offer becomes legally binding.  

Filling in and submitting the form does not imply any legal claim. The applicant agrees to the retention, processing and transfer of data for the purpose of reviewing possibilities for recognition/crediting. 

This application, including the proposition of recognised/credited previous experience, will be stored by the institution for 12 months. If the applicant does not enrol during this time, the application and all related documents will be destroyed.  

The applicant is aware that recognition/crediting of experience presumes the mastery of the contents of the recognised/credited module or module part. 

Misprints and typographical errors excluded. 

This is the IU: awarded, accredited and certified.