

Financing your online studies with BAFÖG

Getting a degree online opens up new opportunities and prospects for your career. Even if the costs for an online study programme seem high at first: There’s a variety of financing options you can choose from in order to achieve your professional goals. BAföG (meaning the funding students are entitled to by the Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz or federal education support act) is probably the best-known way to finance your studies. Here you will learn whether and under what conditions you can receive BAFÖG for your online studies. 


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BAFÖG for your Bachelor's or Master's Degree

From accommodation to teaching materials: studying involves many costs for students. Many cannot cover these costs alone. The state funding BAföG is there to help them. With BAföG, students receive monthly payments of which they only have to repay half. In addition, repayment only begins five years after the end of their studies. BAFÖG is therefore a safe and attractive way to finance your studies. 

There are clear legal regulations for BAföG funding. They stipulate that it is possible to receive BAföG for an online study programme – if it fulfils certain requirements:

  • State-approval: Your online studies are eligible for BAföG if the final degree is equivalent to an in-person programme. Therefore, it is best to choose an online university that offers accredited bachelor’s or master's programmes. Suitable courses can be found at the IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU). 

  • Studying Full-time: BAföG is intended to help you concentrate fully on your studies. That's why you only receive BAFÖG for full-time online study programmes. If you invest between 37 and 40 hours a week in your studies, you can receive BAföG funding. 

  • Study duration: In your first full-time course, you are eligible for funding for online studies just as you would be for in-person studies. The entire standard study duration can be funded. Important: A second bachelor's degree is not eligible for funding. A first bachelor’s/master's degree, however, is. 

  • Your age: If you want to do a bachelor’s or master's programme at an online university, you can receive BAföG up to the age of 45. The age at the start of your online studies is decisive. 


If you meet the requirements, nothing stands in the way of your BAföG funding! Every month, you can receive up to €934. The exact amount depends on your assets and your income. This is why the amount of your repayment is very individual. 

meinBafög: Applications made easy

So long, bureaucratic nightmare! The online service meinBafög* guides you through your application process and makes all necessary steps easier – with practical checklists, pre-prepared forms and a personal contact person. Simply create an account with meinBafög and get startet on your BAföG application. 

Your advantage: This service is free of charge for students of IU. 

The live-BAföG-calculator gives you a preview of how much you can expect. 

*Note: This link leads to an external website.

Start BAFÖG Application

Your online studies with BAföG

With help from BAföG, you can complete your online studies without financial worries and start your professional career! But even if you turn out not to be eligible for funding, there are other possibilities to finance your online studies, for example through scholarships or educational cheques (Bildungsschecks) from various federal states. 




You can try out your study programme for one month – no commitment. The fees for this period only apply if you decide to continue your studies with us.

*Stand Januar 2023


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  • Information on financing options

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